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Using the Automatic Settings
With AUTOMATIC REGULAR and AUTOMATIC PE?MANENT PRESS, you select how dry you want the load to be When the load IS as dry as the setting you hove selected the cycle control ~111 advance toward ending the cycle Use the AUTOMATIC REGliLA R Cyc e to dr\q ~8: s� fom \/ oods Du~I-j the ast five miputes of +ile drv r,g �2, cle the load :s turr;t,led .*,�ithout hea� -hlj helns make t�le #sod easier to hanzlc tise the G J�OMAC PER�4ANzld7 PRESS Qcle tc J�V perrr i:-en+ press km�s a-,d otcler s;-the�lc fT!zrlcs TPe ost 10 minutes of tpe 3r\/irlg ,-qcle are ,,,it�oclt k,eot This c~o~~~~c I i�, r t(r?e he p2 4 keep Wr~n@es frIr- se+tir g n For the first feb%, oasis se+ the FLUFF AIR should be used for such items as plastic shower curtains or tablecloths, rubber-backed rugs, some pillows, stuffed toys. etc l Turn the TEMPERATURE SELECTOR to =LUFF AIR l Turn the Cycle Control Knob to the number of minutes you want in the
PERMANENT PRESS Cycle Push the Start Button
This settir#g IS usefu! for removing $,rinkles from pocKing In sui�cases or :l?sets TUMBLE PRESS wll help put the-n back into *peir pre-set shape l Set Cycle Coctrol Knob to TUMBLE
Cycle Control Krob ?c, p? nt I�, tie rnci dle between VtRk DR�y and LESS DRY
When the dryer stops feel the items in the load ,f +hev ore about hcn# you Ike them, keep using this setting If the !te-is are drier thon �you IIKe, use o setting rearer LESS DRY or CCCL DOWN tne nex+*ive �3cl 3ry a �oad llke that If the lter?lj are r,ot as dry OS iou �bon+ use o sett rng nearer VERY DRY the next t#me you drv o laac: Ike that After dwir g a fey, oods, you r\ I
fl!>d 0 faJarl+e Setting k !JSe
Set TEMPERATURE SELECTOR to PERM T PRESS HEAVY HIGH l Push the Start Button For best results, TUMBLE PRESS orly o fevl: items at a time. put them on i-angers or fold them as soorl OS the dyer stops
End-of-Cycle Signal
A slgnal WI/I let vou know the dryer has stopped The signal
that you are
This temperature setting IS useful for flutflng bedding, pillows and cloth ing, or dusting drapes It IS also best to use when damp-drying heat6sensittve items
drwng permanent press, synthetics avd other Items that really should be taker out as soon as the dryer stops The slgnol can�t be turned off and t 1s not adjustable
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