5. Set the Oven Temperature Control knob to the baking temperature you want. When the start time is reached, the oven burner will aufomafically light in 50-60 seconds.
6. After
baking Is done or to stop the oven before preset time, turn the Oven Temperature Control knob to OFF and push in on the Stop Time Knob.
To start baking now and stop automatically:
1. Position
rack(s) properly, and place the food in the oven. to the time you want the
2. Make sure the clock is setto the righttime of day. 3. Push in and turn the Stop Time Knob clockwise oven to shut off.
4. Set the Oven Temperature Control knob to the baking temperature you want. 5. After baking is done or to stop the oven before preset time, turn the Oven Temperature Control knob to OFF and push in on the Stop Time Knob.
6. NOTE: After
the cooklng cycle has ended It Is necessary to either reset the tlmer for addltlonal cooking operattons or return the timer to manual. This Is done by pushlng in on the Stop Tlme Knob. IMPORTANT: IF THETIMER HAS NOT BEENRETURNEDTO MANUAL OR RESEf FOR ANOTHER COOKING OPERATION, THE OVEN WILL NOT FUNCTION.
To avold sickness and food waste when uslng the MEALTIMER�� control: l Do not use foods that will spoil while waltlng for oooklng to start, such as dishes with mllk or eggs, cream soups, and cooked meats or fish. Any food that has to wait for cooklng to start should be very cold or frozen before lt Is put In the oven. MOST UNFROZEN FOODS SHOULD NEVERSTAND MORE THAN TWO HOURS BEFORECOOKING STARTS. l Do not use foods contalnlng baklng powder or yeast when using delay start. They will not rise properly. l Do not allow food to remaln In oven for more than two hours after end of cooklng cycle.