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BEFORE CLEANING, BE CERTAIN ALL ELEMENTSARE TURNED OFF AND THE COOKTOP IS COOL. CAUTION: Do NOT use a cooktop cleaner on a hot cooktop. The fumes can be hazardous to your health, and can chemically attack the glass-ceramic surface. � Thecartridge doesnot need to be removedfrom the cooktopfor normalcleaning. If removed,bottom may be wiped clean with damp cloth. If electricalterminals on cartridge are cleaned, dry them thoroughly before using. For general daily cleaning and light surface soil, use a clean dishcloth or paper towel and wash surface with solution of water and any of these cleansers: dishwashingliquid such as Ivoryor Joy, bakingsoda, fine polishingpowderssuch as BonAmi, or commercialceramiccooktopcleanserssuch as CooktopCleaning Creme (Part No. 20000001). Wipe with clean damp cloth or paper towel. Rinse and dry thoroughly. To remove residuefrom burned on spills, make a paste of water and baking soda or Bon Ami, Bar Keepers Friend, Comet, Shiny Sinks or nonabrasive soft scrubbing cleansers, such as Cooktop Cleaning Creme (Part No. 20000001). Scrubwith paper towels, nylon or plastic scrubber,such as Tufty. Rinse and dry thoroughly. If stain is net removedeasily, allowpaste to remainon surface for 30 to 40 minutes. Keep moist by covering withwet paper towel. To remove burned on spot, use a single edge razor blade. Place blade edge on cooktop at 30° angle; scrape off spot. Clean remainder of soil with method described above.
NOTE: Plasticobjects, sugar or foodsSee p. 6 for cleaning instructions.melt ontothe ] cooktop can cause damage. with high sugar contentallowedto
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Make surebottoms of cookpots are always clean and dry. (Soil from the cookpot bottomcan be transferredto thecooktop surface.) Before usingcookpots on the glass-ceramiccooktop for the first time, and periodically as needed, clean the bottomswith scouring pads or other cleansers. Rinse and dry thoroughly. Make it a practiceto wipecooktop surfacewith a clean dampcloth or paper towel before each use; dry thoroughly. Invisible spatters, dust specks, cleansers or water can cause stains that appear after unit is heated. A sponge or dishcloth which is not clean will leavefilm and soil laden detergentwater which may cause stains on surface after area is heated. Whenfrying, use a spatter shield to reduce spattering. Use correctcontrol settings and cookwarelarge enough to hold food and liquid to prevent boilovers and spattering. If a bad spiflover occurs while cooking, spills may be cleaned from the cooktop while it is hotto prevent a tough cleaning chore later. Using extreme care, wipe with a clean damp towel. Be careful to avoid burnsfrom steamor hand touching the hot cooktop. 7
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