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The cartridge connector are gilded, made in a special pincer shape. The contact with the cartridge connectors is perfect and hard-wearing. The external cable is made under custom specifications for Bluenote® by Tasker® and is completely shielded. Another available optional is a short cable terminating in 2 RCA connectors fixed to a board. This latter operation makes it possible to interchange any type of cable.
The Tonearm arm rest is made of PTE. It is large not to force the pivot when the tonearm rest down. The arm rest is located on the arm lift board
Contents of Packaging - Construction features
B-7 TITANIUM Bearing Tonearm
Set-Up Instructions!
This section describes how to install and connect your B-7 Titanium tone-arm 1) Once you have opened the box, you will find 1 B-7 Titanium tonearm, 1 aluminium counterweight, 1 phono cable, and 1 plastic bag containing 1 hydraulic arm lift lever, and 2 Allen wrenches. 2) Slowly, and carefully remove the B-7 Titanium tone -arm from the foam, paying extra attention not to snag the very fragile tonearm leads at the front of the tone-arm. 3) Carefully insert the tone -arm into the turntable arm boar d. On Bluenote tables there are three Allen screws which tighten down against the tone-arm mounting shaft. If the arm does not want to drop in, you may need to back out the three Allen screws enough to get the arm to drop into place. On non-Bluenote tables you may need a special mounting arm board supplied by your table manufacturer, or contact your Bluenote dealer. Bluenote can make up an arm board for just about any table on the market, and most likely there is already one in production. 4) Gently tighten down one of the Allen screws in the side of the arm board using the small Allen wrench supplied, to temporarily hold the arm in place. Note: On the Bluenote Belvedere, or Bellagio you would use the larger Allen wrench. 5) Remove the counterweight from the foam, and carefully thread it on the rear of the tone-arm than set up the cartridge before setting the right tracking weight . 6) 7) Carefully mount your cartridge on the tone-arm. You may keep it loose enough to easily adjust the different tracking angles, etc. Remove the phono cable from the foam, and carefully, and gently install the end with the DIN up into the bottom of the tone-arm shaft. Be sure to align the pins on the bottom of the shaft with the pins in the Din connector. You may find it helpful to apply a small amount of pressure and rotate the din until you feel it find its position, then apply a little more pressure and see if it slides in. 8) Be sure your turntable is perfectly level before attempting any of the following procedures. Use a small level to lev el your table both left to right, and front to back! 9) Remove the hydraulic arm lift lever from the plastic bag, and thread it into the hydraulic arm lift, then put the arm lift in the down position. 10) Before Adjusting the VTA, it is important to slide the counterweight forward or backward until the arm balances nicely. Then bring the counter weight toward the front of the table just enough to offset the balance towards the front of the arm. This should be done so you don�t risk the possibility of damaging the stylus by applying to much weight when you set it down on the record for VTA adjustment. 11) Adjust the VTA by loosening the Allen Screw in the arm board, and sliding the arm up or down until you have the cartridge/arm parallel to the record platter when the cartridge is sitting on the record. Once the VTA is set correctly you should then lightly tighten
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