Pitch Range: actives the pitch slider and adjusts the amount of control the pitch slider has on the overall speed of music. On depression of will toggle the slider on and off. Range adjustments of 6, 12, 25, and to cycle through the range
100% can be achieved by holding down and then pressing options. This setting will be remembered at power down.
Pitch Slider: By moving the slider toward the front the speed of the music speeds up. By moving away the speed slows down. With 100% control the music can be stopped or play at 2 times original speed. To match the speeds of two units you can either monitor the music of both units by ear or use the automatic BPM readout and adjust the pitch to match. When the tempo of the music of the CD you wish to match is slow compared to the tempo of the other music, move the slider to the (+) end and match the BPM. When faster, move the pitch slider to the (-) end. By making this adjustment the speeds will be matched though the beats may not yet be aligned. Pitch Bend: Buttons and Jog Wheel: Allows the user to temporarily change the speed of the music to align beats. When the beats of the music of the CD you wish to match is fast compared to the tempo of the other music press the clockwise (to the left). When SIDE 2 is behind press the or rotate the jog wheel counter or rotate the jog wheel
clockwise (to the right). The pitch changes temporarily while the or button is being pressed or the jog wheel is rotated. The faster you rotate the wheel or the longer you hold the buttons the more you change. Releasing the button or wheel results in a return to the original pitch.
Match the tempo by monitoring the music of 2 CD sides by ear or look at the BPM readout and adjusting the pitch. When the tempo of the music of the selected CD side is slow compared to the tempo of the other side, move the slider to the �+� side and match the BPM. When faster, move the pitch slider to the �-� side. The following description is for the case of matching the pitch of side 2 to the pitch of the music being played on side 1.
Press �PLAY� on Side 1
Press �PLAY� on Side 2 Listen to Side 2 or look at the BPM display
Speed Up Side 2 if Side 2 is slow compared to Side 1
Slow Down Side 2 if Side 2 is fast compared to Side 1
If you find the BPM�s (Beats Per Minute or Tempos) are the same, however, the drum beats are not matched you will need to temporarily change the pitch. This description is for the case of matching the beat of Side 2 to the beat of the music being played on Side 1. After matching the BPM�s, as described above, adjust the pitch temporarily as follows:
or When Side 2 is behind rotate the jog wheel clockwise or press to bend pitch faster
or When Player 2 is ahead rotate the jog wheel counterclockwise or press to bend pitch slower.
The pitch changes automatically while the jog wheel is rotated. Releasing the wheel results in a return to the original pitch.
The faster you rotate the wheel the more you change.