Changing MIDI Settings
This keyboard lets you change the settings of two MIDI parameters: TONE MAP and KEYBOARD CHANNEL.
Parameters and Their Displays
I KEYBOARD CHANNEL (Basic Channel) (Default: 01) This parameter specifies the keyboard MIDI message send channel.
To change MIDI parameters
Press the TRANSPOSE/TUNE/MIDI button either three or four times to select the parameter you want.
Press the TRANSPOSE/TUNE/MIDI button three times: KEYBOARD CHANNEL. Press the TRANSPOSE/TUNE/MIDI button four times: TONE MAP. Example: To select the TONE MAP parameter. I TONE MAP G/N (Default: N) N: This setting specifies the normal tone map, which allows receipt of a program change value in the range of 0 to 99. Only tones that correspond to the 100 built-in tones of this keyboard can be played, and tone numbers outside this range are ignored.
Use [+] and [�] to change the setting of the parameter.
Example: To change the TONE MAP parameter value to �G� (GM).
G: This setting specifies the General MIDI tone map, which allows receipt of a program change value in the range of 0 to 127. Each of the 128 General MIDI tones is automatically assigned to one of the keyboard�s 100 built-in tones as shown on page A-2. Select this setting when you want to listen to General MIDI data from a computer or other external equipment.
� If you accidentally go past parameter you want, keep pressing the TRANSPOSE/TUNE/MIDI button until parameter you want reappears on the display. � If you leave the parameter selection screen on the display for about five seconds without doing anything, the parameter selection screen is automatically cleared.
� Playing a Song Bank tune causes all MIDI parameters to revert to their default settings. � Song Bank data cannot be sent as MIDI data. � MIDI messages cannot be received while the keyboard is in the Song Bank Mode.