[ Control Knobs I
The knobson the controlpanel can be removed withthe controlsin the OFF position. Pull each knob straightfrom the shaft. Wash knobs in warm soapy water or dishwasher;do not use abrasivecleansersor materials. To replace each knob,matchflat part of knobopeningwiththe springon the shaft, returningin OFF position.
I Control Knob Area I
Use mild cleansers, such as soapywater or mildliquidsprays,suchas 409 or Fantastik. Wipe withsponge,damp clothor papertowel. Do not scrub with S.O.S. pads or abrasive cleansers.
I Stainless Steel Cooktop [
� To clean light soil, wipe with soapy cloth or nonabrasivecleanser, such as Soft Scrub. Rinse, buffwith softcloth;polishwith glass cleaner if necessary. � To clean moderatesoilor discoloration the surface (excessiveheat willcause a of golden discoloration),clean with Zud, Bar Keepers Friend, or Luneta (Jenn-Air ModelA912, Part No. 712191). With a spongeor cloth,rub cleanserwiththe grain to avoid streakingthe surface. Rinse well, buff dry; polishwith a glass cleaner if necessary to remove cleanser residue and smudge marks. � Heavy soil, such as burned on food soil, can be removed by first cleaning as per the instructions for moderate soil. Stubborn stains can be removed with a damp Scotch-Brite scour-pad; rub evenly with the grain to avoid streaking the surface. Rinse well, buff with dry cloth; polish with glass cleaner if necessary to remove cleanser residue and smudge marks. Scotch-Brite is also useful in buffing and removing minor scratches. � Stubborn food stains may also be removed by spraying with Easy-Off oven cleaner. Allow to set overnight, then rinse. If stains remain, clean with recommended cleansers such as Zud, Luneta (Jenn-Air Model A912, Part No. 712191), or ScotchBrite scour-pad. CAUTION: When using Easy-Off, avoid spraying areas other than the stainless steel such as the air grille and control knob area. Immediately wipe up any spray from these areas with a damp cloth. Read the manufacturer's precautions on using oven cleansers. Hint: Easy-Off can be used to clean the porcelain burner basin area.