Creating your own song� These steps have largely been covered earlier in this section of the Quickstart guide. But to summarize, let�s take the following steps together� If you have exited Song mode, go ahead and re-enter Song mode. Your screen should look like the one below:
Press the EDIT button to take you �under the hood� of Song mode and then select the Utility tab on the lower left of the display. Your display will then look like the one below:
1. Press the New Song button on the upper right. A new song is created and the display takes you to a screen that looks very similar to the one below:
2. Use the PREV and NEXT buttons to highlight �Grand Piano� or �A-1 (000).� �ROM:Preset 1� selects the bank under which you are looking for sounds, whereas the �A-1 (000)� lets you cycle through the individual sounds contained within the selected bank. 3. Use the Control Wheel (or INC/DEC buttons) to select an instrument you want to play. 4. Press the SONG mode button once again to return you to the top level of Song mode. 5. Press PLAY and RECORD simultaneously to start recording. Once you do this, the RECORD button will turn red, the song will start playing along with a metronome, and you will be recording. Play whatever you�d like on the keyboard and press stop when you�re finished. Your new track is now a recorded part of the Fusion�s sequencer data. You can repeat this process (see the section Recording Tracks�New Track) to add subsequent parts to your song.