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Tekstowy podgląd strony 54 (kliknij aby zobaczyć)
Adding Messages to the IC Recorder
You can add the selected message(s) in your computer�s hard disk to the IC recorder. You can add the message(s) one by one or all messages in a folder at one time. The added messages can be played back on the IC recorder. There are two ways of adding messages: � Adding the message(s) at the end of the specified folder � Adding the message(s) to a desired position in a message folder by a drag-and-drop operation This manual explains the latter. To add the message(s) at the end of the specified folder, refer to the online Help files. Note
When a message is added to the IC recorder, its alarm setting will be cancelled.
Adding messages one by one
Click to select the message you wish to add in the �PC� message window.
To select multiple messages, press and hold down the Shift key as you click the first and last messages in a consecutive group or the Ctrl key as you click each message separately. You can select files of different file type together.
Drag the message and drop it at the desired position in the �IC RECORDER� message window.
The message is inserted before the selected message. If you drop the message at the last message, a dialog box will request you to specify the position. Select either �before � or �after� the message and click [OK].
1 Tip
If you drop the message on one of the message folder icons, the message will be added after the existing messages in the selected folder.