liquid Bleach Dispenser
The bleach dispenser IS under the Iid of the washer In the front corner It has the words, LIQUID BLEACH, on It l Before starting the washer, but after loading It, add the bleach. Use a measuring cup with a pouring l spout to help avold spllllng or spattering the bleach l Follow the dIrectIons on the bottle for the amount to use Never use more
The LOAD SIZE SELECTOR lets you control the amount of water that fills the washer The selector can be set at any water level between HANDWASHABLE and EXTRA LARGE.
130 205 fill ,tiith load
Gallons/Liters 78 295
526 776
than 1 cup (250 ml) for a full load. Use less with lower water level settings. Use a standard measuring cup with a pouring �\ spout to fill dispensers.
To change the water level setting move the LOAD SIZE SELECTOR to RESET Then move it to the setting you want To save water and energy,
match size.
the water
level to the load
For the best cleaning results, the load should move freely In the water Watch for rollover An item (IIke a sock) should sink In the middle and come up later on the outsIde Be sure tc read pages 11 13 In your faundry Guide You ~11 find more lnformailon on loading and load sizes
Do not let any bleach run down into the washer basket. Concentrated bleach will damage any fabric.