Use either liquid or granular lann&y detergent. Add measured amount of detergent to washtub before loading. Read the manufacturer's instructions and use the correct amount. Most instructions are for washing an "average" load. If the size of the load is extra large, the degree of soil is heavier than average and the water is harder than 6 grains per gallon, more detergent should be used. Wipe up any spills of liquid laun&y detergent washer. on the
For best results, add measured amount of detergent to washtub before adding the sorted clothes load. Put &y, unfolded clothes loosely in the tnb, up to the top row of holes for a maximum load. Do not pack or wrap items around the agitator. See MAYTAG LAUNDERING GUIDE for suggestions on sorting. Be sure to empty all pockets, mend any holes or tears and pretreat stains, spots and hea,fily soiled areas.