Using an Evolver with a Poly Evolver
The Poly Evolver has 4 voices that are identical to the single voice in an Evolver. The Poly is also in a 1U rack, which means that it can be slow to program at times. Fortunately, it is set up so you can use an Evolver with a Poly to have a five voice synth, plus you can use your Evolver as a controller for both synths! First, connect your MIDI keyboard to the MIDI In on Evolver. Connect MIDI Out on Evolver to the MIDI In on your Poly. Next, connect the Stereo Outputs on the Evolver to the stereo Mix Inputs on the Poly. Finally, the Output of the Poly is connected to your mixer/sound system. On Evolver, set MIDI Rec and Xmit to ALL, and Poly Chain to ALL. If you want to use an external MIDI clock, set the MIDI Clock to I-O (in-out), otherwise set it to Out. Set the MIDI channel to All or 1-16, whichever is desired. On the Poly, just set the MIDI channel to match the Evolver, and set the MIDI clock to In. You should be all set to play! Note this setup works best in Program mode on the Poly, where all five voices are set to the same sound. You can now change Programs/Banks from the Evolver, change the Volume, or go into the Program and edit any of the parameters � for example, if you go to the Filter Frequency on Evolver and turn the knob, all five voices respond together. Note: Remember that if you change a Main parameter on the Evolver, the Poly will change also. For example, changing MIDI channels on the Evolver will also change the MIDI channels on the Poly, which is likely what you would want. However, if you change the MIDI Clock on the Evolver, it may not be what you wanted on the Poly. Usually it all works out, but just be aware of what is happening. When in Combo mode, the chaining does not work as well, since the first note is always played by the Evolver, and it does not know the configuration of the Combo. So, when using an Evolver with a Poly, it�s best to stay in Program mode when playing from a keyboard. There are a some minor differences in the Program between the Evolver and the Poly Evolver: 1) In the Poly there are two additional Trigger modes, for advancing the sequencer by external input or by midi note. These are Main parameters in MIDI Clock in the Evolver (version 2.0), but in the Poly they are part of the program to be more flexible. 2) When a gated sequence Trigger is used, the Poly will automatically turn on the sequencer. On the Evolver, you will have to manually hit the START button. 2) There is now an LFO key sync function. When on, an LFO will reset on each new MIDI note. To be backwards compatible, it's a little strange how it works - if you increase an LFO's Amount over 100, it starts over at zero, but with key sync on. You can see it when you edit with the front panel or with the editor. It can be set individually for each LFO. This is important in a polyphonic setup to allow each LFO to be different than the other voices while playing, for a thicker sound.