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Note: This range hood must be properly grounded. The unit should be Istslled by a qualified electrician In accordance with all applicable national and local electdcel codes. 1. Refer to Figure 5. To gain acces to the interior of the rangehoodpulloutthecanopyand removethegrille by slidingthe two (2) side clips towardsthe centerof the unit. 2. Remove wiringbox cover. 3. Make electricalconnections:connect white to white, blackto blackand greento green groundscrews. 4. Install Iocknut on electrical connector and tighten securely. 5. Replacewiring box cover and screws Make surethat wires are not pinchedbetween cover and hood.
Note:Avoid using food products thatproduce flames under the Range Hood. Controls: FI
1. BlowerSwitch Left position(0) - bloweris turnedoff Rightposition(1) - bloweristurnedon and off automaticallyby openingand closingthe canopyhood/ control. ,__ raTER cup C;RlU.E 2. Speed Switch Infinitesliderswitchcontrols 3. LightSwitch Left position- one bulbwillbe on (for a NightLight). blowerspeed. Right position- bothbulbswillbe on Mid(lie position-both bulbswill be off
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This range hood requirestwo 40 watt tubelightbulbswith a broadbase.These can bepurchasedat hardwarestores.
Propermaintenanceof the Range Hoodwillassureproper performanceof the unit. The grease filteringpanel should be cleaned periodically depending upon use (approximatelyevery two (2) months).Toremovethe filter: 1. Pull outthe canopy. 2. Remove the grille by slidingthe two (2) side clipstoward the center of the unit. 3. Remove the filter from the grille by pushing the wire stopsto one side. Wash the filter with warm water either by hand or in the dishwasherat a temperature of 140°F using biodegradabledetergent. Toclean the hood,use warmwater and milddetergent. Do not use abrasive cloth, steel wool pads or scouring powders.
To install light bulbs (See Fig. 7): 1. Turn light switch to the OFF position. 2. Remove lightlenscover. 3. Screw in lightbulbs. 4. Replace cover. FIGURE 7
3035 Shadeland � Indianapolis, IN 46226-0901
� PrK)ne: 317/545-2271
Pnntedin Italy- 04305230
Jenn-AIr Company
P.N. g0031
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