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Tekstowy podgląd strony 6 (kliknij aby zobaczyć)
Power switch Contrast Brrghtness Vertical Position Horizontal Position Height Width Side-Pincushion Degauss
Turn the display on and off with this switch. 0 : Turn off, I : Turn on Adjusts the white level of the image, It sets the contrast between the light and dark portions of the Image. Adjusts the black level of the image, It sets the overall brightness. Adjusts the vertical position of the image, The image should be centered on the screen. Adjusts the horizontal position of the image. The image shouki be centered on the screen. Adjusts the vertical height of the image. The vertical image size should be approximately 195mm. Adjusts the horizontal width of the image. The horizontal image size should be approxjmately 260mm. Adjusts the left and right sides of the image. The irnage should be a rectangle. Removes the color impurities which can appear on the screen after longtime use. It is automatically activated when you turn on the display.