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Bardzo dobra jakość skanu, przystępna cena. Instrukcja serwisowa okazała się przydatna przy "reanimowaniu" dwudziestoparoletniego decka, który teraz pięknie gra :)
...instruction is ok.
...instrukcja jest ok.
Documentation made available quickly and It is good quality. Thanks.
� Detach the 3 main=sub FPCs (1, 2 and 3) and 1 microphone connector. � Remove the 1 screw ((R)XiPSN17P03000) and 2 screws ((N)XiPSF17P02000), and pull out the sub PWB in the direction of the arrow.
(R) Sub PWB
Microphone connector (N)
Main=Sub FPC
� Detach the lens FPC, focus FPC, and camera=main FPC BtoB. � Remove the 1 screw ((R)XiPSN17P03000), raise the claw, and then pull out the lens section in the direction of the arrow.
Focus FPC Lens FPC
(R) Claw
Camera=Main FPC BtoB
� Detach the head amp=main FPC BtoB, battery terminal FPC BtoB, AV/S terminal unit FPC, and power supply S/S unit FPC. � Remove the 3 screws ((R)XiPSN17P03000). � Pull out the main PWB in the direction of the arrow to detach the VF FPC. (If the main PWB is pulled out by force, the FPC may be cut off. Therefore, pull it our gently.)
(R) Power supply S/S unit FPC (R) (R)
Main PWB
Head amp=Main FPC BtoB Battery terminal FPC BtoB VF FPC AV/S terminal unit FPC