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What I found to be most challenging in the software development of the Cyber-Twin was adding complex functionality behind the scenes while maintaining simplicity of use up front. Well, that and fighting the urge to hold my own cubicle guitar concert ever see Dilbert jam out to �Ain�t Talkin� �Bout Love�? Not pretty. A lot of my software tasks revolved around comments like: �You know, it�d be even cooler if it did this...� Those ideas led to many improved functions in the Cyber-Twin. In fact, this is how the ability to fully sequence the Cyber-Twin was born. When a new must-have idea arose, the design team pulled together, figured out what it would take, and made it happen. That was cool. But my true pride and joy is seeing people�s reactions to some of the presets I created, like �Stadium Rock� and �Lizard Crawl�. And matching classic amplifiers from the 40�s, 50�s, and 60�s. When we dialed those in, we knew we had created something special. It became obvious this was an amp and not a computer that triggers amp sounds when we plugged in several different guitars and got completely different tones. The Cyber-Twin seems complimentary to your guitar and almost transparent at times - Strats, Teles, Les Pauls,1 they all display their full character through the Cyber-Twin. Try that with a modeling amp. This amp really allows one to define their own tone... something every guitarist strives for and something that eludes many. This is the tool for tone. Hope you find it as essential as I do.
K eith C h a p m a n , P h .D . S r. S o ftw a r e E n g in e e r
When I was brought onto this project, I auditioned the competition. After getting past the �fun factor,� I turned off all of the effects and listened. Then, I turned it up and listened. These auditions made the goal simple and clear: Create a guitar amplifier. This amplifier would use digital signal processing and control to its advantage, instead of attaching an amplifier to digital signal processing and control and then calling it a guitar amp. When we got all of the pieces together, we had many, many guitar amplifiers that did not rely on effects for tone. Now add the effects, and oh my...
Ma t t Wi l k en s Pr in c ipa l E ng in e e r
1. Les Paul® is a registered trademark of Gibson Musical Instruments.
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