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Tekstowy podgląd strony 13 (kliknij aby zobaczyć)
No. point Adjusting procedure/conditions Waveform and others
SUB COLOUR E-10CH "PAL Color Bar" 1 SECAM 1. Receive "SECAM colour bar" signal.
BLACK LEVEL Select SECAM black level adjustment R-Y mode. I C BUS 2. Make pictur normal with the remote control2
ler. R-Y/B-Y 3. Connect the oscilloscope to pin(20) of ADJUSTMENT (RF Signal) 3. Connect the oscilloscope to TP802...(ky) 4pin. I C BUS ADIC800(TP802/R out).
75% Y 100% W Mg R
(Using 10:1 Probe) JUSTMENT » Range : 10mV/Div. (AC)(Use Probe 10:1) Range 2 V/Div » Sweep time : 20 µsec/Div.
OFF SET Sweep Time : 20 µ sec/Div 4. Vary R-Y data to minimize offset between the non-signal and signal line as shown in Fig.104. Set the sub-colour "SUB-COL" adjustment mode
with remote controller, and vary the sub col1(b) Fig. 10-1(a) our data to make 75% W of the PAL colour bar 5. Select SECAM black level adjustment B-Y mode. Cy G B and RED at same level for adjustment shown 6. Reconnect the oscilloscope to TP801...(KY) 6pin Fig. 8-1 in Fig.8-1. » Range : 10mV/Div. (AC)(Use Probe 10:1)
» Sweep time : 20 µsec/Div. 7. Vary B-Y data to minimize offset between the 100% W R 2 SUB COLOUR 1. Receive DVD signal. (Half Colour Bar Signal)
W Y DVD) ler.
non-signal and signal line as shown in Fig.10(SUB COL 2. Make pictur normal with the remote control-
I C BUS 3. Connect the oscilloscope to TP802...(ky) 4pin.
ADJUSTMENT (Using 10:1 Probe) Fig. 10-1(b) (DVD Signal) Range : 2 V/Div Cy G R B Fig. 8-2
Sweep Time : 20 µ sec/Div
4. Set the sub-colour "SUB-COL DVD" adjustment
mode with remote controller, and vary the sub data to make 100% W of the PAL colour bar and RED at the same level for adjustment shown in Fig.8-2.
(Use colour bar pattern of the signal generator for adjustment)
OFF SET Fig. 10-2(a)
A W Y Cy G Mg R B Blk 3. Vary sub tint data adjust the waveform to
No. point Adjusting procedure/conditions Waveform and others
1 SUB-TINT 1. Select the sub-tint adjustment mode (automatic
(SUB-TINT) I C Y cut) to receive the "NTSC Colour Bar" signal
BUS ADJUSTwith AV input. MENT (RF 2. Connect the oscilloscope to TP801 Fig. 10-2(b) B SIGNAL) » Range : 50mV/Div. (AC)(Use Probe 10:1) C
» Sweep time : 10 µsec/Div.
be gained as shown in Fig.9-1. Fig. 9-1 TP801......(KY) 6pin