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Before replacing the light bulb or fluorescent tube,I DISCONNECTPOWER TO RANGE.Be sure the bulb isl cool.Do not touch a hot bulbwith a dampclothas the bulbl may break. J
To prevent staining or discoloration, clean cooktop aft_ has cooled as these stains may discolor the cookto eachuse. Wipe acidor sugar stainsas soonasor etch th porcelain. Freestandingrangeswith a coilelementcook'topwill featu_
Toturn on cooktoplight: Pressand hold rockerswitchuntil the light turns on. The oven light switch is located on the backguard. To replace cooktop light: Be sure bulb is cool. Grasp the top trim of the backguard with your thumbs under the front edge and pull outward while lifting to release trim from catchesat each end.
a lift-up cooktop. I Cooktopson the following models do not lift up: Smooth. top cool(tops,slide-in or drop-in ranges and rangesfol Canada.
To raise the cooktop: When cool, graspthe front edge the cooktopand gentlylift upuntilthe two supportrodsat tl front of the cooktop snap into place.
Remove fluorescent tube and replace with an 18 watt fluorescent tube. Snap top trim back into place and reconnect powertorange.Resetthe clock,
To lower the top: Holdthe front edge of the cooktopa carefullypush back on each supportrod to release notchedsupport.Then gentlylowerthe top intoplace." supportrodswillslideintothe rangeframe.
Toturn onovenlight: Pushthe rockerswitchlocatedonthe backguard oronthecontrolpanel. To replace oven light: Be sure bulbis cool. Use a dry potholder,to prevent possibleharm to hands, and very carefullyunscrewbulbcover,if equipped, nd bulb.(Note: a Non-self-cleaning ovens are equippedwith only a light bulb.)
The ovendooris lockedfora self-cleanoperationonly. notmovethe doorlocklevertothe rightor lockedposit during a cookingoperation. If the door is locked, operation automatically cancelled.If the ovenis will be enoughto engagethe internalock,the ovendoorwill l open.Allowthe ovento coolfor upto an hour,thenun and openthe door.
Replace witha 40 watt appliancebulb. Replace bulbcover and reconnect powerto range. Resetthe clock.
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