1 486692 2 1108179 3 2164513 4 489337 6 489099 7 2149293 9 2158826 12 2162358 13 2169412 14 2161324 15 2154755 17 2154718 19 509812 20 2160505 21 489396 22 2164518 24 2162066 25 2154114 26 2165296 27 2164409 28 2169449 Order) 876765 30 2160500 32 548695 33 2175046 34 2161330 35 2176066 37 489373 38 1127675 39 1100826 40 489340 41 2149128 42 2155547 48 2149717 49 488624 50 1105612 51 2161302 52 851095 53 489427 54 850145 55 489242 59 2155658 61 488687
Speed Nut Fan, Blade Condenser Assembly Screw Screw Heat Shield Dampener And Drain Pan Cover Overload Clip, Defrost Heater Relay Capacitor Screw Grommet Unit Cover, Bottom Clip Evaporator Motor, Fan Tray, Evaporator Harness, Intermediate Drier Compressor (Includes Items 12, 13, 15, 17, 27 & 38) (Also Tube Kit Unit Mounting Frame Bracket, Fan Motor Heater, Defrost Clip Bi-Metal, Defrost Screw Wire Assembly Grommet (4) Screw Air Baffle Clip, Heat Unit Mounting Rail Screw Guard, Fan Sleeve Wire Tie Screw Wire Connector Screw Clip, Wire & Tube Screw and Optional Parts Not Included (1/4") (5/16") (3/8") (1/2") (5/8") (3/4") (3/16")
Following Parts Not Illustrated 978025 Valve, Access 978026 Valve, Access 978027 Valve, Access 978028 Valve, Access 978029 Valve, Access 978030 Valve, Access 876764 Valve, Access