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Stain removal
Treat stains quickly before they have time to set. Wet the material surrounding the stain with cold water - this prevents the stain from spreading and developing a clearly defined ring round the edge. Then if the garment is washable it should be washed as soon as possible. Use normal detergent or biological detergent if the stains are caused by blood or food. If the stain is not removed by washing then special stain removing chemicals can be applied. Use the stain remover outside the machine then rinse the garment thoroughly after it has been treated. Many stain removers are poisonous or inflammable and should always be used with care. Read any instructions printed on the bottle and store all bottles well out of the reach of children. Work in a well ventilated room, away from open fires and do not smoke. All types of bleaches and chemicals may be used on white cotton and linen materials, but in all other cases check the stain remover first on part of the inside hem or seam of the garment to make sure the material is not damaged or the colour affected.
STAIN Adhesive tape
REMOVER White spirit
METHOD 1) Try dabbing with hot water-if unsuccessfull: 2) Dab with white spirit. Soak for 2 hours in biological detergent - then wash.
REMARKS Some adhesive manufacturers produce their own solvent. Don't soak in biological detergent: a) Non-colourfast materials b) Garments containing metal zips c) Wool, silk, flameproof garments. Some types of ball point ink can be removed with acetone but this treatment should not be used with acetate rayon.
Blood, egg, meat juice
Biological detergent
Ball point, biro, carbon paper Candle wax
Methylated spirit
Rub gently until mark disappears.
Methylated spirit
Scrape off excess with a dull knife. Place stain between 2 sheets of blotting paper and press with a warm iron-if some colour remains from the wax, treat with methylated spirit. Rub with ice buce to harden the gum, then scrape off off ecess with a dull knife - dab with cleaning solvent. Treat with solvent-allow to dry and launder-in hot suds if colour and fabric will allow. Dab with spirit, then wash. Use according to instructions on the pack. Dab material with solvent, wash if necessary. Dab liberally with nail varnish remover or acetone. Rinse under cold tap and then sponge with solution of 1 dessertspoon borax dissolved in 1/2 pint warm water. Dab till stain removed, then wash. Soak first in cool suds, if not effective soak up to 15 minutes in a warm solution of 1 dessert-spoon borax to 1/2 pint water. Should be washed while the paint is still wet-once the paint has dried it cannot be removed. Sponge or soak in white spirit and then wash. If the paint has dried soften first with lard or oil. On cotton, linen and nylon use hotter and if necessary more concentrated solution. Not to be used on acetate materials i.e. Tricel, Arnel, Dynel, try seam of material first. Scorched materials are often permanently damaged and a bad mark cannot be removed. If the material is white you may use bleach if some marks still remain.
Chewing gum
Dry cleaning solvent
Chocolate, fatty/oily stains, lipstick Grass Iron mould Make up (eye liner, mascara, foundation) Nail varnish
Dry cleaning solvent
Methylated spirit Manufactured remover Dry cleaning solvent Nail varnish remover
Scorch marks
Oil (beach) car oil Coffee, tea, fruit juice, alcohol, wine
Paraffin, grease solvent Borax
Emulsion paint Oil paint
Water and detergent mixture White spirit
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