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1162147 469877 1166388 855266 488750 649945 488808 486009 486035 649947 649946 1166266 644228 487371 488624 644271 644272 995274 1166265 485679 644283 644284 644285 644281 485856 856979 470800 485457 470168
Kit, Standard Installation Seal, Meeting Rail Gasket, Sash Strip, Seal Bolt, 1/4 x 3/4 (6) Support, Cabinet (2) Washer (6) Lockwasher (6) Nut, Hex (6) Bracket, Support Support, Retainer (2) Board, Filler Bracket Screw (Window Lock Bracket) Screw (Side & Top Angles to Cabinet) Angle (Top) Angle (2) Spacer, Block (4) Screw (Side Angle To Filler Board) Kit, Outside Support Support, Cabinet (2) Extension, Support (2) Retainer, Cabinet (2) Bracket, Support Kit, Wide Window Strip, Seal Seal, Meeting Rail Gasket, Sash (54") Sealer, Gum Type
Following Parts Not Illustrated LITERATURE PARTS LIT1166072 LIT1155965 LIT485707
Instructions, Installation (Standard Mounting Kit) Instructions, Installation (Wide Window Kit) Instructions, Installation (Outside Support Kit)