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Pitch and tempo changes
�ere are three modes for changing the way a �� is played back�
Only one of these modes can be active at a time.
of the î��î�� track difficult to play or sing inî�£ SSA mode î��e î��î��î�� î� î��low î��peed î��uditionî�¡ mode slows down the tempo without changî�� ing the keyî�£ î��e settings are î�� î� offî�¡î�½ â��î��î�½ â��î��î�´î�½ â��î�¹î�½ and â��î��î�� î� all percentî�¡î�£ î�£hen this mode is activeî�½ the display î� left sideî�¡ shows SSAî�£ î��se this mode to practice difficult fast licksî�£ PITCH mode î��e pitch mode changes both pitch and tempo in î��î�¢ stepsî�½ down to â��î��î��î�¢î�£ î��î�¢ is the î�©offî�ª settingî�£ î�£hen this mode is activeî�½ the display shows PITCHî�£
� � �
�hift pitch alone= KEY �low down and keep pitch = SSA �low down and drop pitch = PITCH
�ese modes help you to play along at a different key or a different tempo so that you can learn your favorite riffs and licks�
Use these together with the looping function to help your practice.
KEY mode î��e î�©keyî�ª mode changes the key of the music by six semitones up or downî�£ î��e tempo does not changeî�£ î��e value is set in semitones and cents î� î��î�µî��î��î��ths of a semitoneî�¡ shown as I6 to O6î�£ î�£hen both semitones and cents are î��î�½ the KEY mode is off î� if î��î��î�� is onî�½ this is also offî�¡î�£ î�£hen this mode is onî�½ the display shows KEYî�£ î��se this mode when you find the key
Making settings
î��se the menu system to turn î��î��î�� on or off î� PITCH menuî�¡ and then set the value for the pitch or î��î��î�� settings î� PITCH menu againî�¡î�½ or with î��î��î�� offî�½ choose KEY from the next î� KEYî�¡ menu and make the KEY î� semitoneî�¡ and FINE settingsî�£
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