5. Level (Cue Level).........................................................
P2 Monitor: Monitor settings
Here you can select the audio that will be sent from the monitor output ([MONITOR OUT L/R] jacks) and the headphone output ([PHONES] jack).
Sets the level and panning for each mixer channel when �Cue� is turned �On� in �SelectMonitor.� Press the �Level� button to open the �Cue setting� dialog box, and make the desired settings.
1 6 4 2 5 3
5a. Pan (Ch1�6)/Balance(Ch7�12).... [L63...CNT...R63] 1. MasterLr ...................................................... [On, Off]
Sends the master LR bus to the monitor output. Normally you will turn this �On.� On: This signal will be sent from monitor output. Off: This signal will not be sent from monitor output. If solo is turned on for a signal in the �Solo� tab page, you will be unable to turn this setting �On.� In order to turn this �On,� you must first turn solo �Off� in the �Solo� tab page. Adjusts the panning or balance at which each channel cue signal is sent to the monitor output.
5a 5b
5b. Cue ....................................................[000...100]
Sets the volume at which each channel cue signal is sent to the monitor output.
6. AutoIn ......................................................... [On, Off]
For mixer channels whose [TRACK STATUS] is REC, this speci�es whether the audio sent to the monitor output will be the external input that is assigned in the �Input� tab page or the sound from the playback track. On: For mixer channels whose [TRACK STATUS] is REC, you will hear the sound of the track during playback, and the sound of the external input while recording or stopped. Off: For mixer channels whose [TRACK STATUS] is REC, you will always hear the sound of the external input.
2. Solo............................................................. [On, Off]
If a signal is being soloed in the �Solo� tab page, this setting will automatically be �On.� On: This signal will be sent from monitor output. Off: This signal will not be sent from monitor output.
3. Rhythm ........................................................ [On, Off]
Selects the bus to which the rhythm sound will be sent. On: The rhythm will be sent to the monitor LR bus. Use this setting when you want to output the track audio from the [MASTER OUT L/R] jacks and listen to the rhythm only through headphones, for example during a live performance. Off: The rhythm will be sent to the master LR bus. When using bounce-recording, the rhythm will be recorded if you turn this �Off.� If in the [RHYTHM] �SetUp� tab page you set �Rhythm� to �Off,� the rhythm sound will not be sent to either bus, regardless of this setting.
4. Cue ............................................................. [On, Off]
Sends the channel speci�ed by �Level� to the monitor output. When recording, you can select this if you want to adjust the monitor volume and panning for the convenience of the performer without affecting the recording level. On: The signal will be sent from monitor output. Off: The signal will not be sent from monitor output. If solo is turned on for a signal in the �Solo� tab page, you will be unable to turn this setting �On.� In order to turn this �On,� you must first turn solo �Off� in the �Solo� tab page.