Alignment Instructions
1. AFT 1.1 Standard B/G,D/K,I and L 1) Set a Signal Generator with - RF FREQUENCY = 38.9 MHz, 5dBuV - System = PAL-B/G 2) Connect the Signal Generator RF Output to TP2 (Tuner IF Output). There must be no signal input to the tuner. 3) Set the L109 to TP1(I603, #22) with DC Voltage to 2.5V 0.3V 2. AGC 1) Set a Pattern Generator with RF LEVEL 63 3dBuV, RF Frequency 210. 25MHz(10CH). 2) Connect a OSCILLOSCOPE PROBE to P101 (TUNER AGC INPUT). 3) Set the RBOI to P101(Tuner AGC Input) with DC Voltage to 2.5V 0.3V 3. SCREEN 1) Set the TV to AVI mode(no signal) 2) Set the TV to NORMAL I mode. 3) Press the SVC key on SVC Remocon. 4) Connect a OSCILLOSCOPE PROBE to P904 ( CRT CATHOD R, G, B ). 5) Adjust the SCREEN VOLUME on FBT such that the highest black level voltage 145 5Vdc. 4. WHITE BALANCE 1) Set the TV to NOR I mode. 2) Set the R,G,B LEVEL to CENTER with R,G,B UP/DOWN KEY . 3) Adjust the R,G,B UP/DOWN KEY of the other color which did not appear on the screen to obtain WHITE. 5. FOCUS 1) Apply a RETMA PATTERN signal. 2) Adjust the FOCUS VOLUME on FBT to obtain optimal resolution. 6. GEOMETRY 6.1 VERTICAL SLOPE 1) Apply a RETMA PATTERN Signal. 2) Set the TV to NORMAL I mode. 3) Pressing the V-SLOPE DOWN/UP KEY, the lower half of the screen is blanked . 4) Adjust the border line of blanked picture coincident with the retma center using the V-SLOPE DOWN/UP keys.
6.2 VERTICAL CENTER 1) Apply a RETMA PATTERN Signal. 2) Set the TV to NORMAL I mode. 3) Adjust the center of the picture with the V-CENTER DOWN/UP kyes. 5