the Meat Pan Air Control.
There is an opening between the freezer and refrigerator beside the meat pan. Air flows from the freezer against the meat pan and helps keep it colder than the rest otthe refrigerator. The Meat Pan Air Control can be set to let more cold air in for a colder meat storage temperature, or to stop the flow of cold air if meattemperature IS too cold. Set the control between the COLD and COLDER settings. If fresh beef has a few ice crystals and is storing well for 3 to 5 days, the control is set about right. If you want colder meat storage temperatures, move the control toward COLDER. If meat is freezing, move the control up toward Cold.
Ice Cube
A Twist of the Wrists
To remove ice from the flexible ice trays, hold a tray at both ends, as shown. Slightly twist the tray; the ice will come out easily. If cubes are not used for a number of weeks, they may become smaller, The moving air is so cold that it starts a slow evaporation. (That�s also why it�s so important to wrap food carefully.] The longer they are stored, the smaller they can get.
Ice Maker.
Raise Signal
Arm to Stop Ice Maker
Lower Signa! Arm to Start I!
If you have the automatic ice maker accessory (Part No. ECKMF-61, or plan to add one, there are a few things you will want to know: l On the side of Your ice maker is a wire signal arm. When it�s down, the ice maker will make ice automatically. Raise the arm to shut off the Ice maker. l Shake the bin occasionally to keep cubes separated. It is normal for the cubes to be attached by a corner. They will break apart easily l You will hear water running when the ice maker IS working. You�ll hear ice fall Into the bin. Don�t let these new sounds bother you. l The ice maker will not operate until the freezer is cold enough to make ice. This can take overnight. l Because of new plumbing connections, the first ice may be discolored or off-flavored l Your ice maker will work faster when the freezer is colder. If you want more ice. turn the Temperature Control dial to a higher number, or turn the Air Control dial toward a higher number. If you remove the ice bin, make sure you raise the signal arm to l shut off operation. When you put the bin back, make sure it�s all the way in and the arm is lowered. If cubes are stored too long, they may develop an stale water. Throw them away. They will be replaced, Cubes in the ice bin can also become smaller by evaporation
fK~jr ;yalls and metal cabinets car) make the sounds seem� louder The foIlowIng chart describes the kinds of SOUP& that n-light be qew to you, and what may be makIng t?en#
Sounds you may hear.
Your pled rear gerator may make Jou~,as .Wt ,n(i� old one do: t +c uuse Ihe sWnds are ?ew IL roe. ya, �?lgN hr ?(-t2rrled (I~O~J~ them DOF t be �vlost of the %3, j, jr :s ore r i/r.lwt Harcj surfaces !:hr the Possible
l l
Slight Hum; Sofl hiss: Clicking Sounds: or Snapplng
Probable Causes: iobr refrigerotc)r .:os r+.C farIs
you 7~oy hear
the for
Tl?e defrost timer 1?okes o deflnlte click when the refrlgerotor * olsc> n?akes c :;?und #��ter the refrigerator starts vVner> the refrlgerutor srcps rllnnlng, you may hear gurgliLg <-I feh minutes otter ii stays Yocl may also hear defrost tiater def9st water par if y:.kJr refrigeru+or hos :lr# Ce maker, you ,wYer valve) tr c-iclIng ~~-~lter and the clatter b .�!,r refrigeroto: :r-,ger than oldrr Pas o high-efflclency deslgrs I! mav ever, IP
stops running
Water Sounds.
the tubing for running Into the the run
Ice Maker Running
Sounds. Sounds:
may hear a tNz2lng (from of Ice dumped Into the bin
compressor and motor It WI seem to run most of the time