Face-Up Delivery
Printed pages come out through the face-up delivery slot in reverse order. Since there is no limit in the number of pages that can be delivered, this setting is convenient when receiving a large number of faxes, when making many copies, or when you plan to be away from your of�ce or home for a long period of time. Place the FAX-L250 on the edge of a table so that printed pages can come out without blocking the face-up delivery slot.
Move the paper delivery selector down to the
When using face-up delivery, make sure that the unit is placed as shown above so that the pages can drop away from the unit. If you do not place the unit as shown and prefer to use the extension tray, be sure to remove each page as it is delivered to avoid blocking the face-up delivery slot.
Make sure there is enough room for the paper to exit in front of the unit.