Hints for storage
When placing the different kinds of food take into consideration the sketch in figure: 1. Storing frozen foods, making ice and ice-cream. 2. Confectionery, ready-cooked foods 3. Foods in dishes 4. Opened cans 5. Milk, dairy products 6. Fresh meat, cold cuts, sausages, etc. 7. Fruits, vegetables, salads 8. Cheese, butter 9. Eggs 10. Yoghurt, sour cream 11. Small bottles, soft drinks 12. Big bottles, drinks
Storage time and temperature of foods
The enclosed charts at the end of the user's instructions give information about storage time in the frozen and the fresh food compartment. The storage time can not be determined exactly in advance, as it depends on the freshness and handling of the cooled food. That is why the storage time made known is only informative. It is safe to store quick-frozen food only that way if they were not dissolved even for a short time until placing them into the frozen food compartment.
How to use the two-star frozen food compartment
The frozen food compartment is separated from the fresh food compartment by the drip tray. Depending on the position of the thermostatic control -12 °C or lower can be kept here. Smaller quantity of fresh food can be frozen in the twostar frozen food compartment but storing them for a longer time is not recommended. Do not allow warm products placed newly into the frozen food compartment to be in touch with already frozen foods.