NOTE: The screws and nuts required to attach a part are listed immediately following that part. 1 9751755 9751756 9751757 9780939 9751478 4421430 4421431 4421432 9751319 9751629 9780265 9752003 422404 9780273 9750821 4211831 9780771 9750969 9780931 9751528 9751527 3182862 9751532 9780679 3169338 3169346 3183975 3169345 341196 9780265 9751800 9751841 Cooktop, Ceran White Almond Black Gasket, Cooktop Gasket, Console Frame, Cooktop White Almond Black Support, Element Bracket, Pivot Screw, (2) 10 x 3/8 Washer (2) Brace, Support Screw (2) 10 x 3/4" Support Clips (4) Screw, (4) 10 x 3/4 Bumper-Black (4) Bumper-White (4) Hot Light Element, Surface 160 MM - LR 230 MM - LF 180 MM - RF Dual Element, RR Spring (14) Limiter, Temp. 160MM-LR 230MM-LF 210MM-RR 180MM-RF Thermo-Disc Screw, (2) Vent, Cover Gasket, Vent
2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19
LITERATURE PARTS LIT9751596 LIT9751685 LIT3150693 LIT9751598 LIT9752014 LIT9751599 LIT3183987
Instructions, Installation Use And Care Guide Cookbook, T/C Ovens Tech Sheet-K/A Wiring Diagram Quick Set (oven) Guide-Auto Set