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Instrukcja Obsługi

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Opis WHIRLPOOL MTB2155GRW Instrukcja Obsługi

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Tekstowy podgląd strony 9 (kliknij aby zobaczyć)
TheTall Bottle Retainer(selectmodels) isdesignedto preventtall bottlesfromtipping forward.It is easily adjustedby sliding from sideto side.

Toreplacethe drawer,reverse above the procedure, This drawercanbe positioned desired as on eitherthe leftor rightsideof the refrigeratorcabinet, For best results,keepthis drawerclosed tightly, The Crispers provide storage for fruit and vegetables. hereis a humidityconT trol located on the crisper shelf above eachof the crisperdrawers, > Forfruitstorage,slidethe crispercontrol to the left to providelowerhumidity conditionsin the drawer, >- Forvegetable storage,slidethecrisper control to the right to provide higher humidityconditionsin the drawer.

To use the Dairy Compartment,raise thecover.Thedairycompartment ay be m equippedwith a Keeper to secure food itemsin place.If your modelhasthe dairy keeper,simply slide it from side to side for desiredplacement. In some models, the dairy compartment canbe removed. The SafeKeeper (select models) is a combination pick-off bin and utilitydrawer. Positioningthe lever (located on the top rightside of the bin) forward, allows the opening of the drawer. The drawer provides a convenientcovered storage areafor itemssuch as film, batteriesand medicine. The Tilt Out Refrigerator Door Bins (selectmodels)are idealfor storingawkward containerssuch as liter bottlesand baggeditems.Bytilting the binsoutward, spaceis opened up to convenientlytoad or retrievecontents. The Slidefoundin the mainfreezercornmode,s)is Out Freezer Basket (select partment.It is a convenientstoragearea, providingeasy accessto itemsstored in the rear of the freezer.Slide the basket outto reachor storefrozen foods. To removethe basket: > pullthe basketuntilit stops > lift and pull the basketout To replace the basket, reverse the removalprocedure. The Drop Down FreezerBasket (select models)is foundon the lowershelf of the freezer door.This area provides space for frozen food itemsthat tendto shift or slide(such as baggedvegetables).

The Multi-Can Rack (select models) suspends from one of the spill-proof refrigerator shelves. It hooks over the wires found in the framework under the shelf. The slopeddesign allowsfor cans to roll forward as one is removed.(This rack cannot be positioned under an ElevatorM shelf.) T The Multi-Use Rack (select models) provides a place for horizontallystoring wine.The rackalsocan holdcannedbeveragesor an egg carton, Positionthe rack to rest on the left hand side of a refrigerator shelf (this rack cannot be positionedon an Elevator M shelf), T

To removea crisperdrawerfor cleaning:

Your refrigerator has either a Snack Center Drawer or an Adjusti-TernpM T Drawer. For models with the Adjusti-Temp TM Drawer,a control is located on the shelf front above the drawer.Simply slide the controlknob left or rightto adjust the internaltemperature f thedrawer. o >- For cheese storage,slide the control to the left.To achievea lowertemperature within the drawer when storing fresh meat, poultry or fish, slide the controlto the right, I c,EEs_ _ :__ ::: : _ _ I

>- pull outthe crisper untilit stops > tilt the drawerfront up and puffit out To replacea crisperdrawer: > align the drawerin the tracks > liftthe drawerfront and slide in For best results,keepthe crisperstightly closed. To remove the CrisperTop: >- lift the front edgeof theshelf > pullthe shelf straightout To replacethe Crisper Top: > set the rear barson the support > pushthe shelfbackuntilthefrontedge canbe loweredinto place Your refrigerator may come equipped with an Egg Cradle (style may vary).It can be removed be washedor carried to to a work area.

The SnackCenterdrawerdoesnot have an adjustabletemperaturecapability. To removethe SnackCenterDraweror Adjusti-Temp Drawerfor cleaning: >- pull the drawerout untilit stops >- liftthe drawerup slightlyand pull it out

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