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Microwavesare a form of high frequency radio waves similar to those used by a radio includingAM; FM and CB. They are, however,much shorterthan radio waves; approximatelytive inches long. Electricityis converled into microwaveenergy by the magnetrontube. From the magnetrontube, microwave energy is transmittedand absorbed.
Duringheatlng, microwaves be absorbed tood.They will by oenetrateto a deoth of about % to 1'l-inches. Microwave energy excitesthe molecules in the food (especiallywater, fat and sugarmolecules), causesthemto vibrate a rateof and at 2,450,000,000 timesper second. This vibration causes lriction, and heat is produced just as you will feel heat produced you vigorously your handstogether. il rub The internalheating largerfoods is done by conduction. of The heat whichis produced friction by travelsby conduction the to center of the food. Foods also continueto heat by conduction duringstanding time. Becausemicrowaves dissipate, much likesunlight it as reaches the Earth'ssurface, they are not stored in food.
Microwavesare reflectedby metaljust as a ball is bounced otf a wall. A combination stationary(interiorwalls) and of rotatingantenna,locatedunderneaththe bottom shelf assure that the microwavesare well distributedwithin the oven cavity to produceeven heatingor cooking of foods.
Microwavespass through some materialssuch as paper, glassand plasticmuchlikesunlight shining througha window Becausethese substancesdo not absorb or r�tlectthe microwaveenergy,they are ideal materialstor microwave oven heatinocontainers.
1. Operation the microwave of oven may cause interference to your radio,TV or similarequipment. 2. When thereis interference, may be reduced eliminated it or by takingthe following measures: a. Cleandoor and sealingsulacesof the oven. See Care of Your Microwave Oven foundon page 18.) b. Place the radio,TV, etc, away from the microwaveoven
orcr o5 Pe--rvrs.
c. Use a properly installed antenna, obtainstronger to signalreception.
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