R-244M O/MAN & C/BK
11:10 am
Page 15
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Meat joints Place in a flan dish, turn over at least 4-5 times during defrosting, shield any warm areas with small, flat pieces of foil. After defrosting, wrap in foil and allow meat to stand for 60-90 minutes, until thoroughly defrosted.
Place in a flan dish, turn over at least 3-4 times during defrosting, shield any warm areas with small, pieces of foil. After defrosting, wrap in foil and allow poultry to stand for 60-90 minutes, until thoroughly defrosted. NOTE: Do not defrost poultry with giblets.
Steak, Chops & Chicken Portions
Place in a flan dish, separate during defrosting and turn over at least 2-3 times. Shield if necessary.
Cubed & Minced Meat
Place in a flan dish, stir or turn over at least 3-4 times during defrosting, remove defrosted parts each time. Please refer to the charts on page 18, or the �Express Defrost� chart on page 10.
Whole fish & Fillets
Place in a flan dish, separate during defrosting and turn over at least twice. Shield if necessary.
Prepacked Frozen Foods
Remove packaging, including any foil and place in a suitable dish.
NOTES: � To defrost food, use either 30P or 10P microwave power. � Shield warm areas with small pieces of foil if necessary. � It is important to turn food over, separate (where appropriate) and rearrange to ensure even defrosting. � Standing time is necessary to ensure thorough defrosting.