Congratulations! The product you have just purchased offers you exceptionally high quality reception. Please read the following instructions before using the indoor aerial, and retain this booklet for future reference.
Universal amplified indoor aerial SBC TT900
Intern Extern
GB Instructions for use
� Connect the cable of the aerial to the television aerial socket.
If there is a video recorder already installed, connect the cable of the aerial to the aerial socket of the video recorder. � If there is a cable network connection in use, disconnect this cable from the television set or the video recorder, and connect it to the socket on the back of the aerial (EXT. ANT). � Connect the mains lead of the aerial to a 230-240 VAC mains socket. Press the power button on the aerial. All three LEDs light up for a second and the aerial is now in the �Standby� position. Note: the aerial is also fitted with a 12 VDC supply socket for use in caravans, campers, boats, etc. Switching on
working with the external cable network connected to the aerial EXT-ANT socket (See step 2). Your television now receives signals from the external cable TV system. Rotation
Test fonksiyonu Antenin fišini prizden en az on saniyelik bir süre kadar çýkartýn. Uzaktan kumandanýn herhangi bir düðmesini basýlý tutun ve fiþi tekrar prize takýn. Düðmeyi iki saniye kadar daha basýlý tuttuktan sonra býraktýðýnýzda test fonksiyonu devreye girecektir. Bu test fonksiyonu ile, üç ýþýðýn çalýþýr durumda olup olmadýðýný kontrol edebilirsiniz. Ayrýca antenin her iki tarafa doðru yönelip yönelmediðini, yöneldikten sonra tekrar otomatik olarak geri dönüp dönmediðiný kontrol edebilirsiniz. Test fonksiyonu sona erdikten sonra, anten �Standby� durumuna, yani �kullanýma hazýr� durumuna dönecektir. FM radyo Anteni FM radyolarýnda kullanmak için, adaptörü (antenle birlikte verilmiþtir) sinyal kablosunun giriþine takýn. Antenin kablosunu da FM radyosunun anten giriþine takýn. Amplifikatörün kontrol düðmesini (þekil 3) maksimuma gelecek þekilde çevirin ve 3. 4. ve 6. adýmlara geçin. Baša dönme (�reset�) Anten çalýþýr durumdayken herhangi bir arýza meydana gelirse, antenin fiþini en az on saniye kadar prizden çýkartýn ve tekrar prize takýn. Anten. �Standby� durumuna dönecektir.
Notlar: Bu anten 230-240 VAC elektrik akýmýna baðlandýðý zaman çalýþýr. Antenin elektrik baðlantýsýný kesmek için prizden fiþini çekin. Antenin alt kýsmýnda dört tane kauçuk altlýk vardýr. Bu altlýklar antenin her türlü zeminde sabit durmasýný saðlar. Antenin teknik özellikleri alt kýsmýndaki etikettedir.
� To rotate the aerial, hold any of the remote control buttons
for six seconds. To change the direction, release the button and then press it within 2 seconds. If more than 2 seconds pass, you have to re-start again. Note 1: It is recommended that you select the channel key of the channel you are currently watching on the TV to rotate the aerial. By doing so you prevent your TV settings from being inadvertently changed. Note 2: When the aerial rotates, it will automatically reverse direction once it has reached the end of each rotation. Caution If during the rotation the aerial is stopped manually by some other obstacle, it will attempt to change the direction three times. Following this, the microprocessor will stop the motor and the supply LED will flash for five seconds. The aerial will work again once the obstacle concerned has been removed. Switching off � To return to the �Standby� position, press any of the remote control buttons quickly three times, while holding the button for slightly longer the third time (for at least two seconds). The red LED switches off.
� To turn the aerial on, press any of the remote control buttons.
Initially the aerial switches to the intern position and the intern/extern LED lights up orange. The aerial is now operational. Your television set/radio receives signals directly from the SBC TT 900 aerial. � Use the instruction manual supplied with your television to tune to the different channels. Rotate the parabolic UHF dish (see Fig. 2 and step 8) and turn the amplifier control dial (Fig. 3) to vary the signal gain until you obtain optimum signal reception. � To obtain the best reception for VHF and FM Radio signals, vary the length and angle of the telescopic aerials. Selection of internal/external aerial
Teknik özellikler � Ulaþým alaný (anten + anfi):UHF36 ±2dB, VHF20 ±2dB � Güç tedariki: 230-240 VAC 50-60 Hz Karavan, kamping, tekne vs�de kullanýmda � Güç tüketimi: 3VA � �z direnç: 75 Ohm � �stün kalitede görüntü saðlar � TSE onaylýdýr � EN 60065 emniyet kurallarýna uygundur � Her türlü uzaktan kumanda ile çalýþýr � FM radyolar ile kullaným için adaptör ilavelidir
� If you want to use the aerial with an external cable network,
press any of the remote control buttons quickly four times. The orange LED changes to green indicating that the aerial is