ANSWERING MACHINE ________________
3 Press » « or » uncement:
TAD Announcement � EDIT� � � OFF
« to select the type of anno-
Announcement Announcement with the option for callers to leave a message. At the end of the announcement (for example �Hello, this is the Smith family. Unfortunately we are out at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone�) a signal tone sounds. End text The end text (e.g. �Thank you for calling�) is played back at the end of the recording time you set. Info text Unlike with the announcement, callers cannot leave a message after the info text � in other words, it is an announcement without the option of leaving a message. The info text is played when the memory for recording messages is full. This is provided you have recorded an info text and activated the function. 4 To record the text, press »EDIT...« and then »NEW...«. 5 Record the text.
TAD End text EDIT� � �
TAD Info text � EDIT� �
6 Press »STOP« to stop recording. � The text is saved and is played back for you to check. 7 Press »M « to quit the menu level. 8 Select »ON« if the text is satisfactory. Note: To record more texts, repeat points 3 to 8. Once you have accepted a text to be played back, you can only switch it off or change it in the »Settings« menu under the »Answ. mach.TAD« item. 9 Hold down »M « to finish the setting. Note: You can only record one announcement, end text and info text.