Check points
� Select another USB terminal on the PC. Even if connected by the � Check the operating environment. (P12, 13) USB cable, this unit is � Turn on the power to this unit. not recognized by the � Turn off then turn on the power to this unit and disconnect then PC. connect the USB cable. When the USB cable is � To disconnect the USB cable safely, double-click the icon disconnected, an error in the task tray and follow the instructions message will appear on PC. on the screen. � Has the temperature of this unit become excessively high? > Turn off the power and wait until this unit returns to a suitable The error display lamp temperature. [ERROR] blinks or � An SD card with no recorded data is inserted in this unit. Insert lights. an SD card with recordings into this unit. � An SD card that cannot be used or a broken SD card is inserted in this unit. � Is the available memory on the HDD insufficient? > If there is insufficient available memory, [FULL] on the HDD capacity lamp lights. Copy the data on the HDD to a PC and then delete unnecessary data on the HDD. � It may no longer be possible to read the data in the following cases. � If you subject this unit to vibration or shock. � If you turn off the power or remove the SD card during an Cannot copy data on the operation. SD card to this unit. � If you disconnect the USB cable while copying data on the HDD to a PC. � If the HDD SAFETY detection switch activates and the Cannot copy from this operation stops while this unit is connected to a PC. unit�s HDD to a PC. Connect this unit to a PC and run check disk ([SCAN DISK] on Windows ME). Refer to the operating instructions of the PC for details on how to run check disk. � Did you format this unit�s HDD on a PC? > If you format this unit�s HDD on a PC it will no longer operate properly. Please confirm the latest support information on the following website. (This website is in English only.) � The capacity of the HDD is usually displayed as 1 gigabyte The capacity of the HDD equaling 1,000,000,000 bytes. However, 1 gigabyte is displayed on a PC is displayed as equaling 1,073,741,824 bytes (1,024 k 1,024k 1, less. 024) on [My Computer] and some application software on a PC so the value indicated becomes less. � If the HDD SAFETY detection switch is activated or the A [PDUST.DAT] file etc. remaining battery power runs down during copying, the copying has been created on the will stop to protect the HDD. In this case, the file name of the HDD. data that this unit stopped copying becomes [PDUST.DAT] or the same name as the folder being copied. � DId you connect this unit to the PC with the USB cable before The PC will not start up. turning on the power to the PC? > Start up the PC and then connect this unit to it.