� If racks have been left in oven during the cleaning process,they shouldbe treated as follows. After the cleaningprocessis completedand the oven has cooled,buff the undersideof rackedgeswithScotch-Britescourpad or rublight/ythe underside of rackedges witha coatingofvegetableoil. Use a lightapplication oilso it does of not soilthe oven. Thiswilt make the cleaned racksslide more easily. � To removeoccasionalspilloversbetweencleanings,use a soap-filledscouringpad or mild cleanser;rinsewell, � It is better to clean the oven regularlyrather than wait untilthere is a heavybuildup of soil in the oven. � Ouringthe cleaningprocess,the kitchenshouldbe well ventilatedto help eliminate normalodorsassociatedwith cleaning. � DO NOT USE COMMERCIAL OVEN CLEANERS. � DO NOT USE ALUMINUM FOIL OR OTHER LINERS IN THE OVEN.