Place items so open ends face down for cleaning and draining. Load glasses in upper rack only. Lower rack is not designed for glasses and damage may occur. Be sure lightweightitems are held firmly in place. Load plastic items in the upper rack only.
Plastic items may melt in the lower rack. Only items marked �DishwasherSafe� or equivalent are recommended. China, crystal, and other delicate items must not touch other items during the dishwashers operation. Damagemay occur.
Silverware Basket
The silverwarebasket may be loaded either in the lower rack or on the counter top. l Be sure no items protrude through the holes in the basket or extend high enough to stop the spray arm�s rotation. * Load sharp items with the points down. * Load silverwareso items are mixed in each section to prevent nesting (see illustrationbelow). Water spray cannot effectivelyclean nested items.