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@ lnstructions for use
Fit the telescopichandleto the vacuum cleanerand fix it on tightlyusing the enclosedscrew. Removethe piece of plastic from the start button: this serves onlv to secure the start button during transport. Selecta wall positionfor the rechargingholder in the vicinityof a wall socket. Check that the vacuum cleaner is away from the floor and that it can be lifted out of the recharging holder without difficulty. Hold the rechargingholder againstthe wall and mark where the fasteningscrews are to go, see Fig. 1. When fitting using plastic plugs, drill the holes using a 7 mm bit, push the plastic plugs into the wall and insertthe screws until they only project by about 15 mm. Wind any surpluscable round the back of the recharging holder, pass grooves see Fig. 2. The cable should out between the two on the bottom of the rechargingholder.Hang the recharging holder on the screws and tighten.The recharging holdershould not be fitted outdoors or anywhere damp. When connecting the electricity supply, check first that your current is the same as the currentspecifiedon householdsupply the rechargingunit's plate.Connectthe round plug to the bottom of the rechargingholderand plug the recharging unit into the socket. - pushingthe start button back to positionA, see Fig. 6 and - removing whatever is blocking the brush - then press the reset button E on the nozzle. The vacuum cleaneris then readv to be used aoain. Cleaning without rotating brush Used for cleaning hard floors and long-pile carpets Push the start buttoninto position B, see Fig.6.
Cleaning furniture, tables, car seats, etc. Detachthe hand unit by pushingthe catch G up, see Fig.7, and detach the hand unit from the shaft. The attachablenozzleis used when cleaningplaceswhich are difficult to get at, between the cushions on chairs, for example; seeFig.8. Cleaning the dust filter/dust container - Always turn the vacuum cleaner off before attempting to clean it. Empty the dust container and clean the dust filter after use, see Fig. 9 and 10. Detach the dust container by first pushing button H, then twist the dust contanierdownwards. - Removethe dust filter from the dust container. - Empty the dust container. - Brush away dirt and dust from the filter.Hint: you can use your ordinaryvacuum cleanerto clean the filter. Put the filter back into the dust containerand snao it back into position. Cleaning the brush - Alwaysturn off the vacuum cleanerbeforecleaningit. The rotatingbrush is fitted with cleaninggrooves,see Fig, 11, in order to facilitate, using a knife or pair of scrssors, by the removal of threads and the like, which have become trapped round the brush roller.
- The vacuum cleaner should be switched off before it is recharged. - Use only the originalrecharger when recharging. Put the vacuum cleanerin the recharging holder. ig(3a). f The chargingindicatorL comes on, which shows that the vacuum cleaneris recharging. The charging indicatorstays on as long as the vacuum cleaner is connected to the recharger. When necessary,the vacuum cleaner (hand unit) may be recharged separately connectingthe recharging by plug directly to the vacuum cleaner, see f ig.3b. The vacuum cleaner should always be kept in the recharging holder when not in use: this ensuresthat the battery'scharge is maintained, which in turn guarantees that the vacuumcleaner will always be ready for use to its full capacity. When the vacuum cleaneris completelydischarged, about B-10 hours of recharging are required before full capacity is restored. A fully charged battery will sufficefor about 19-25 minutesof cleaning,dependingon how long the rotatingbrush is used while cleaning. - The recharging unit will get hot during recharging. This is perfectly normal. - The vacuum cleaner should not be rechargedwhere the temoerature is below 0"C or above + 40'C. lf the vacuum cleaneris to remainunusedfor long periods,it should be kept in a cool place and recharged at least every 6 months.
lmportant information
- Do not use your vacuum cleaner on surfaces on which flammable solvents have been used until these have been allowed to dry out completely. - Do not vacuum up glowing particleswhich may cause a fire. - Do not leave your vacuum cleaner exposed to direct sunlight. - lf your vacuum cleaner is damaged and the lead-acid battery the battery to intense heat. - is exposed, do not subjectbattery. Do not open or short the
The vacuum cleanershould be chargedfor about 10 hours before it is used for the first time. When cleaning floors and carpets Lift the complete vacuum cleaner from the recharging holder, see Fig. 4. Adjust the telescopic handle to an appropriate length, see Fig. 5. The vacuum cleaner is now ready for cleaning the floor. Cleaning using a rotating brush for floors and shortpile carpets. Used cleaning Push the start button into position C, see Fig. 6. This position is indicatedby the operationindicatorD on the nozzlecoming on. The vacuum cleaner is fitted with automatic motor protection which trips if the rotating brush becomes blocked. This is shown by the operation indicator D on the nozzle going out. The problem can be remedied by completely turning off the vacuum cleaner:
Service Information Should require you assistance for yourElectrolux cleaner or to obtain consumables, please contact Electrolux Customer CareHelpline 08706 on 055055.
(AA) uV
Your cordless vacuum cleaner contains a leadacid battery which can be recharged many times and give long life and repeatedly full power. However,should you one day find that your cordless vacuum cleaner need to be replaced. please think of protecting our environment:
1. Switch on the vacuum cleanerand let it run until the battery is completely flat and the cleaner stops. 2. Releasethe hand unrt and remove the dust container. 3. Pull off the cables connected to the battery (Fig. 12). Make sure the battery is not short circuited. 4. The removed battery must be returned to a collection point designed for disposal of waste batteries.
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