The numbers in parenthesis throughout the text refer to the pictures. Before you start: � Check that the film cartridge and processing pack (Picture 1) contain the same film type and number of exposures, and that the lot numbers (stamped on the labels) match. � The films may be processed at temperatures within a fairly wide range, as specified in the film instructions. Be sure that all components (film cartridge, processing pack, and processor) are within this range. Best results are obtained at 70°F (21°C). If you refrigerate the processing pack as recommended in the film instructions, allow it to warm up for at least one hour before processing. Load the processor: 1. Place the processor on a clean, level surface. Pull out the top of the latch (2-A), then open the processor cover. Unfold the crank handle (3-B). 2. Check that the pressure plate (3-C) and both metal rollers (3-D) are clean (see next page). Blow out any dust or lint inside the processor. 3. If necessary, grasp and turn the large spool so the clear lid is at the top; open the lid (3-E). 4. Unhook the end of the processing pack leader (4), and pull out 1-2 in. (25-50mm). 5. To load the processing pack: Insert the processing pack into its compartment (5). The processing pack should snap easily into position; if it does not, remove and reinsert it. Feed the processing pack leader over the metal roller and attach the end to the white pear-shaped pin on the spool (6-F). The leader should lie flat, as shown. If you have pulled out too much leader, causing it to buckle (7), you should rewind the excess as follows: Push the release switch (7-G) in the direction shown by the arrow. Hold it in this position, and turn the crank in a clockwise direction until the leader lies flat. 6. If the film leader has been rewound into the cartridge, use the film leader extractor to pull it out. Orient the extractor and film cartridge as shown (8), and insert the extractor up to the dotted line. Wind the film cartridge knob in a counterclockwise direction as indicated on the extractor, until you feel the film leader catch on the extractor. (It may be necessary to hold the knob between turns to prevent it from rewinding in the opposite direction.) Then gently pull out the extractor, with the film leader attached. 7. To load the film cartridge: Align the cartridge as shown (9), and insert the leader behind the bar (9-H). Then seat the film cartridge in its holder. Attach the leader to the white hook, then to the white pear-shaped pin, on the spool (10). Close the spool lid. The leader should lie flat, as shown. If you pulled out too much leader, turn the wheel (11) in the direction shown by the arrow until the film lies flat. (This may take up to seven full revolutions, depending on how loosely the film is wound inside the cartridge.) Alternate method: Remove the film cartridge, rewind the film, and reinsert into the holder. 8. Close the processor cover; be sure it latches.